Bored and Hungry: 100 Days of Gratitude


Olivia Doro

With Thanksgiving right around the corner one ponders all the things in their life that bring them happiness, from silly jokes to their best friend. An amazing and simple way that a person can track what they’re most grateful for is a 100 day challenge where, every day, you track one thing you’re grateful for in your life: 100 Days of Gratitude.

These days don’t have to be overly deep and meaningful, they can range from the sentimental and personal to the cheesy and silly. The challenge is to find one different thing for every one hundred days that you are grateful for in your life.

Some days aren’t as easy as others to find something that you’re grateful for, depending on the harsh circumstances and changes life throws at a person. However, it is possible to find something in your life that you are honestly grateful for.

Personally, I’ve been doing this challenge for 66 days as of today, tracking everything from my favorite foods to my friends, books, quotes, people, places, and memories. This challenge is not designed to long for things that are missing in your life, but rather to stop and realize all the things you do have. It’s helped me focus on the positive things in my life rather than the negative and remind myself everyday that I have something good in my life.

Different platforms to host this challenge include Pinterest, Weheartit, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and other blog or social media sites you feel comfortable using. This challenge is not to gather a following or rub your life in another’s face, so don’t start it with poor intentions. Go into this with a clear mind set and look at it as a fresh start. Invite your friends and family to look at your progress and keep track of it in any way you want.

Now, with Thanksgiving and the holiday season around the corner, start a little challenge that will invite more positivity into your life. A little challenge for if you’re bored and some inspiration to get you into the holiday spirit with Thanksgiving break just a week away.