The Student News Site of Fossil Ridge High School

Photo Credit: Dark Skies IMDb

B-List Delights: Dark Skies loom over this movie

Dark Skies (2013) is a horror/sci-fi hybrid that reminds me of Signs with the similar alien themed horror. Directed by Scott Stewart, I’ve rated Dark Skies as three out of five skulls. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie but there were too many holes in the plot. I felt like I was unable to have my questions answered throughout most of it.

I can normally fill in gaps within the plot, but I’m unable to completely fill everything in. The ending left me wondering a bit too much, and without a sequel in sight, I’m left pondering what would’ve happened. I enjoyed constantly being on the edge of my seat, but some points were definitely slow and slightly boring. Towards the end, I felt like it was becoming rushed and too much happened at once. I did enjoy the jumpscares and slightly cheesy effects of the movie, almost like Signs.

There are parts where I was unable to look at the screen because I was terrified. Jumpscares aren’t very prominent, but when they arrived they were very scary. I do get scared easily, but these even scared my friend who isn’t always terrified like me. At one point, the father is frozen,except for his eyes, which led me to cover my face in fear. The ominous feeling during that scene was partly do to David Boyd’s cinematography skills. The film itself was very dark, as to represent the title itself. When there were jumpscares they would pan out to create a more menacing effect.

Dark Skies can be a slightly frustrating movie since so much of the plot is open to your imagination, but it is a good movie to watch if you enjoy the alien sci-fi horror. I wouldn’t suggest this as your first alien themed movie since there are plenty out there, but it is a decent one to watch if you’re in the mood for a few jumpscares.

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