Dear Fang
Dear Fang: Introduction
Fellow Sabercats,
I’m here to tell you that there is a new addition to Etched in Stone. Dear Fang is an advice column for any student or staff member at Fossil Ridge High School. This advice column is dedicated to you, for any questions, uncertainties, school problems, or anything you need help with. Being a high schooler can be difficult, but there is always someone looking out for you, and this column is here to remind you of that.
Consider this column as your place to vent any of your problems. Anyone can ask questions, from “How to cope with the stress of finals?” to “How do you move on from a broken heart?” If you ever feel lost or alone in the ocean of high school, this is your place to come. All questions will be published anonymously; no names, no problems.
To submit any questions, troubles, or any form of advice, just send an email to [email protected].