Does Fossil need DoorDash Policies?

DoorDash app that most students at FRHS use weekly

DoorDash app that most students at FRHS use weekly

Emily VanGundy, Academics Writer

Get breakfast, lunch, dinner and more delivered from your favorite restaurants right to your doorstep with one easy click.” 

DoorDash is a food delivery service that millions of people are using in their busy lives. It makes it easier for people to get food without having to actually drive to a restaurant or store.

There is always a time and place for everything, especially DoorDash. Students at Fossil Ridge High School are taking advantage of the convenience of DoorDash during school hours. They are taking time to order food on their phones, leave class to go pick it up in the front office, and take it back to class and eat it while they are being taught or getting classwork done. Teachers and staff are concerned for the students that order DoorDash multiple times a week, or even multiple times a day because it may be affecting their learning. 

Tami Armstrong, Fossil Ridge High School’s front desk lady, stated that DoorDash should not be allowed during class hours. When asked how many times a “Door Dasher” delivers food to the office, she stated, “At least fifteen times a day, sometimes moms bring in food, and there are kids who order food twice a day.” Based on the number of students leaving class, DoorDash is becoming a negative tool in schools. It might be a positive thing if students have not eaten yet and are more distracted by their hunger than the app itself, but the fact that students are ordering multiple times a day makes it a bad thing during school hours.  Although Armstrong has the app and thinks it is a great tool for busy people, she thinks DoorDash is “abused in schools”. She likes the idea of creating policies in schools that only allow students to order food outside of school hours, during off periods and or during lunch. 

So many students are being distracted by DoorDash during class that the deans at Fossil are beginning to take notice. Dean of students Ryan Wulf stated he might “consider putting policies on it, because it is an issue.” 

With the idea of policies being put on the use of DoorDash student, Paola V., was asked why she likes DoorDash and how she would feel if Fossil created certain policies for it. She said, “I like DoorDash because it is fast and easy. I just order what I like and it gets delivered within 30 minutes of placing the order. And all the Dashers I have had are friendly.”  She added that, “I think it would be fine. Maybe if it was so that DoorDash was available to get delivered for lunch, passing periods, or for ELO or advisory,” after being asked about policies. 

If Fossil were to limit the times students could order food during school hours, learning would not be negatively affected as much. Based on interviews done with different students, the policies would probably be respected and students could still get food at appropriate times.