Fossil Ridge began rivalry week on a good note after Tuesdays win against Rocky Mountain. With a final score of 63-54, the Sabercats improved their record to 14-6.
Fossil didn’t exactly start the game off on a good note, allowing more than 5 offensive rebounds in just the first 4 minutes of the game.
As the second quarter came around, leading 5A scorer Braxton Bertolette, became a large part of Fossil’s success. Bertolette hit three deep three-pointers, and also drove to the hole, making it impossible for Rocky to stop him. At the end of the first half he had already racked up 20 points.

Rocky cut down Fossil’s lead to 54-49 with just four minutes left in the game. Rocky’s Xavier Johnson had a huge game for Rocky, making the 4th quarter a difficult fight for the Sabercats.
It came down to free-throws in the ladder half of the 4th quarter. With a lot of fouling, Fossil was able to sink their free-throws, and when given the opportunity, the Lobos struggled.
The Sabercats will be at home on Friday against their other major in-town rival, Fort Collins High School.