Stranger Things is a new show on Netflix that explores the idea of coming of age, and the mysteries of a small Indiana town in 1983. The show captivates the audience from the start, with the thrilling disappearance of a young boy named Will. Stranger Things follows a mother’s determination to find her son, and friends who combine skills and ideas to save their friend.
It was released for streaming on July 15, 2016, and from the start the characters drag the viewers into the lives. The characters are easy to relate with the viewers due to how nearly everyone has a nerdy side, the desire to be loved, wisdom, determination, and curiosity. When Eleven one of the most mysterious characters is introduced, she seems distant, but as her relationship goes on with the trio of friends, the viewer discovers a very human side of the character.
The disappearance of Will causes a town scare making the townsfolk believe that Will is lost or kidnapped. Local authorities become involved, along with Will’s friends and family, and not to mention the government facility hiding many secrets from the public. As the story unfolds the viewers are waiting for the next big thing to happen.
The show is almost a praise to 80’s children’s films, mainly ones with the idea of coming of age. Strangers things draw inspiration from films such as Stand By Me and the Goonies, both stories of adventure and growing up. Though the theme of coming of age seems to lack originality, the plot line is its own. The plot of monsters and another dimension don’t create the theme right away, it takes more effort to look at the characters individually to see how they develop.
As for the acting in the show, it is seamless for the those starring in the series. For all I know it could be the script that makes the kids starring in the show seem like actual kids who are keeping their ideals of friendship. The dependency on friendship and finding faults in stereotypical 1980’s misfits, or nerds, was a task the production did well.
Much of the plot made me think about my own adventure in life. It added a personal thought process, revolving around the idea of having true friends who mean the world. Stranger Things also sparked interest in science for younger viewers by the idea of alternate dimensions.
By the end of the season, questions still remain about characters and their past.The show is starting off with great things. With season two already planned, fans are expecting big things to come of it.
Farhan • Oct 13, 2016 at 7:59 am
Hey that’s Pretty Good.