Big Fish casts off auditions

Avree Linne

Auditions for the Spring Musical Big Fish are happening the week of December 11. Anyone, regardless of experience, is free to audition. Grab an audition form on the drama office door (blue for men, yellow for women) and sign up on the callboard for the Vocal Audition; you get the choice of either Monday or Tuesday. Arrive early in case the auditions run fast, but expect them to run late. After that, come to the dance audition Wednesday, December 13. Callbacks are Thursday and Friday of that week, so check the callboard every day to keep updated. Callbacks may require you to sing, dance, or act, so be prepared to perform. You must attend all of the days you signed up for or were called for in order to be considered. There are no make up dates. The cast list will be posted on Saturday, December 16, on the Fossil Theatre website.

Big Fish, adapted from the Tim Burton film of the same name, is the story of Edward Bloom and his extraordinary life, including witches, mermaids, and giants. He tells these tales to his son, Will, who doesn’t believe these stories into his adulthood. When Will learns his wife, Josephine, is pregnant, and that his father is very sick, he insists on finding out the true versions of the stories he always heard.

Be sure to check the Fossil Ridge Theatre website for more specific information on what you need to include in the audition.

Big Fish performances will be March 30-31, and April 6-7 at 7pm in the PAC.