Sabercats takedown Lambkins in final dual meet
Cody Ginther grapples with his oponent
January 29, 2019
Thursday, January 24 the Fossil Ridge High School Sabercats wrestling team took on their cross town rivals, the Fort Collins High School Lambkins in the last dual meet of the season. The team ended the night victoriously with a final score of 37-21.
The night began on a sentimental note when it was the last home meet for the seniors on the team. Each wrestler and their family were honored and had their picture taken together. Much like any other senior night, they talked about the plans that the seniors have and what they accomplished during their time as Sabercats. Some plans included college while others included missions, but all the boys were off to bigger things. Many looked nostalgic when they were able to reflect over their time as a part of the team and give their teammates parting words of advice.
The night was off to a rough start when the first two matches were lost by decision, but after the third match the Sabercats began to pull ahead in their team score. Senior Jackson Holloway contributed 6 points to the team after his pin during the third period of his match. The scores were 9-3 when Fossil started to gain momentum and build off this lead.

The final tournament of the season is this Saturday, February 2 at Poudre High School. Spirits were high when the team closes in on their Regional Tournament where they will get the chance to qualify for the State Championships on February 21-23.