Sabercat Stories: Katelyn Harris

Can’t take the heat


Katie Harris

Harris doing one of her routines

Alexys Ruiz

Katelyn Harris is a Junior at Fossil Ridge High School, and goes by the name Katie. She has lived in Colorado her whole life with her mom, dad, and older sister Taylor. She also has two pets, a red fox lab named Cody, and a cat names Zoe. Harris’ family is super close and they spend a lot of time together, which is what she loves most about her family. Harris is very close to both her parents and shares a lot with them, and in response they are always loving and supporting of her. Her favorite childhood memory was when her family used to do a lot of activities outdoors. They had a boat and RV, so they would travel all over, see new places, and try new things. They still travel, but not as much as they used to because the family is so busy. Harris misses getting to go all the time but cherishes those little moments when they did do it a lot.

Katie Harris
The Harris family on vacation

Harris is involved in competitive baton twirling and dancing. She met her best friend,Emma, through baton and they have been twirling together for as long as she can remember. Emma does not go to Fossil, but they are still super close. She is with her almost everyday because they practice together. She can always count on Emma to be there for her whenever she needs it. Their coach lives in Pennsylvania so they both get the opportunity to travel together to visit him, or to compete. Emma is one of the best people Harris has come to know. Besides Emma, Harris has a bunch of other amazing friends. She loves that her friends are different from her, but still accepting of who she is. They allow her to be unique and different. They all get along really well, and are very supportive of each other.

In her free time, which is now very often, Harris spends it at the gym practicing baton. She practices baton year round, so she never really stops. When she has a little bit of time outside of school and baton, Harris hangs out with friends, goes to the lake, camping, hiking, skiing, cooks, or plays with her dogs. Harris is a very quiet, yet outgoing person. When people first meet her she does not talk a lot but she has a lot of personality once she gets to know you. She has learned to be very outgoing because she needs it to be successful in baton twirling. Harris has a very good drive and determination. When she wants something she figures out what to do and does what it takes for her to get there; one of her great strengths. However Harris cares a lot about what people think of her. She is afraid to be herself around people she does not know because she worried about what they will think of her. Sometimes she backs out on trying new things because of this.

Harris really enjoys art class, specifically painting because it allows her to express herself and be creative. She finds it relaxing, but still challenges her. Harris loves living in Colorado, but is still willing to try new places for college just for a change and new experience. In the future, Harris wants to study pre-med at Baylor University and hopefully go into a career in the medical field. She is still wanting to continue twirling at Baylor as well. Harris wants to do all that she can at a young age to prepare herself for a successful future. Her goals for the near future is to win the national title in baton twirling and possibly make the 2020 world team. All of her goals will take a lot of time and determination to achieve. Harris has improved a lot since freshman year, she did not take it serious at first. She expected it to be easy like past years but before she knew it her grades weren’t good. She felt like she hadn’t learned much either, she didn’t participate in school clubs or activities either. Since then Harris has taken her learning seriously and the good grades have followed. She also danced on the team here at Fossil which helped her get involved, get the chance to meet new people, and pushed her out of her comfort zone.