Reading opens windows into new worlds
December 13, 2021
Reading can lead to many controversial discussions. Many people don’t like reading and think it’s boring. Other people think that it’s the greatest thing in the world and fills them with excitement.
Ms. Judy Keating is a Media Specialist at Fossil Ridge High School. Some of her favorite books are The Power of One, by Bryce Courtenay and the Harry Potter Series, by J.K. Rowling.
“I love to read everyday. My favorite genre would probably be realistic fiction,” Keating said.
Keating’s favorite part about being a Media Specialist is getting to be surrounded by great books and great people. She loves the positive environment here at Fossil and how her peers and coworkers are so supportive.
Because of a program called DEAR (Drop Everything And Read), students have a chance to get the opportunity to read. DEAR usually occurs before class where the students get a chance to read whatever they want for ten minutes before the class starts
At the library, kids check out books all the time. It’s usually for a school book or for a book club, but it’s good that they are taking time out of their day to read.
“I would encourage you to stop by and check out the many different genres that we have as well as our new ipads,” Keating said.
Ms. Lana Fain, a previous Media Specialist and leader of some of Fossils’s book clubs (like chocolate book club), also likes reading very much. Some of her favorite books are the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear and the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
Fain believes that reading can help people express themselves more. According to Rebecca Joy Stanborough and reviewed by Heidi Moawad, a M.D., MRI scans have proved that reading strengthens your brain and develops a stronger and more complex network of connections.
Ninety percent of our brain development happens when we are young. Reading as a young child can build language, literacy, and social-emotional skills. It also can develop life-long health benefits.
Fain also believes that because of school, students are more likely to lose their enjoyment with reading. In English class students are required to read long, sometimes uninteresting books. This could teach them that reading can’t be used for entertainment and it’s only used for school and assignments.
“I like to read because it helps me expand my vocabulary and the stories are all unique and interesting,” Fossil Ridge student Lauren Rajotte said. Her favorite genre is fantasy because of the never ending possibilities that could happen in the story.
On the other hand, student Jessi Giesler said, “Reading hurts my eyes because the words are too small and I need glasses. It’s also boring and I always get distracted by my phone.”
According to, “When you read a book, you’re opening yourself up to emotions and thoughts that you wouldn’t feel otherwise. You’re making yourself vulnerable to learn and grow as a person and reading can help you find who you are.”
There are positive responses from the brain when you read. Reading is more about learning what you are interested in and being able to read about it. There is probably a book about any topic you can think of. Reading is underrated but it’s making a comeback because more people get informed about it.