Band students practice in the performing arts center.
Aside from sports fees, band covers a good portion of the total fees collected in the school. A lot of fees go to purchasing new music for a wide selection for students. Another big chunk pays for opportunities for the students, like extra music coaches or a guest clinician that could give a different perspective on the class and their work.
In regards to marching band, the fees cover things such as travel fees, uniforms, and extra materials.
Band director Aaron Herman stands in a neutral position in regards to whether getting rid of school fees is positive or negative. Herman says it will be less of a burden for students and families, however, the question of where the money will come from lingers in his mind.
“I don’t think it’s going to affect class directly, like nothing that we’re doing day in and day out is going to change as a result of that. [Probably] more like the behind the scenes stuff, the planning and getting things in order for the semester or the year in the teacher planning process [we will] just have to rethink stuff,” Herman gives some insight to his thoughts on the future of band.