A closer look into baseball featuring Ethan Moran

Moran and other players gather together before an inning.
May 1, 2023
If you are looking for a breakout player to keep your eye on for the 2023-2024 baseball season, junior Ethan Moran would be just the person. Going into his senior year, Moran has high expectations to perform like a star athlete.
Moran is a junior at Fossil Ridge High School and enjoys many things outside of baseball. To stay conditioned and improve his strength, Moran spends a lot of his free time lifting weights in the gym. When he’s not in the gym or on the field, Moran enjoys his extra time hanging out with his friends.
Baseball is no new sport for Moran as he has been playing nearly his entire life.
“My whole family loves baseball and they all played it at a young age, and I was four years old when I started,” Moran says.
Moran averages impressive stats each game and always makes sure he is a great teammate. Moran says he loves playing for Fossil as all his close friends are on the team so he is able to have great chemistry with all of them.
The entire Fossil baseball team had the opportunity to play on Coors Field this year. This was Moran’s favorite opportunity he has been able to take advantage of, as the atmosphere was entirely different from playing on his home field. A game that Moran is most looking forward to in the rest of the season, however, is the game against Rocky Mountain High School.
“The Rocky game coming up next Tuesday is what I’m most looking forward to, they are a big rival,” Moran states.

Baseball may seem like a breeze for Moran, but there are a lot of overlooked aspects to the game. This season, Moran is looking to improve his stolen bases as that is something more difficult to do. On top of that, Moran says that it can be hard at times to keep caught up with school work when he has to miss school because of games. Another factor Moran has had to deal with is injuries.
“Yes, I broke my collarbone, but I overcame it by staying positive and doing whatever the doctor said to do in order to get back as soon as possible,” Moran says.
In his final season, Moran is most excited to play his favorite game with his best friends and win. His future plans are to attend college somewhere and potentially play baseball.
“I’m still deciding, I want to see how the summer recruitment process goes this summer,” Moran says.
The future is bright for junior Ethan Moran, so keep him on your radar for the rest of this season as well as his final season next year with Fossil.