Science Bowl is a competitive group that competes in five different topics, math, physics, chemistry, biology and earth systems. The team has won Regionals and has gone to Nationals for at least the past four years. The team has been together since middle school so they are very close and work well with one another.
“There’s four people who compete at a time and there’s no arguing on who’s going to be in or out… If you get a question wrong no one’s mad at you,” says Brian Riedel, the Science Bowl coach.
The team had their regional competition, which covers the state of Colorado, in the middle of March, and they are preparing to go to nationals at the end of April.
“Each person specializes in a topic. One team member will do math, another team member will do physics and so on,” says Kary Fang, one of the members on the Science Bowl team.
Since the team has been together for so long they have many strengths like problem solving, leadership, positivity, and collaboration.
“We try and have a lot of fun and not be too stressed out. We will joke around a lot during practice. , For example, during the regional competition when we had breaks in between matches, we would go outside and kick a soda can on the ground and just have fun,” says Jackson Dryg, one of the team members on the team.