Fossil Ridge High School’s Class of 2024 graduation was held Saturday, May 25 at Colorado State University’s Moby Arena. Fossil’s band and orchestra played “Pomp and Circumstance” as the graduates filed the large space, waving to families and friends they could spot.

After Fossil’s choir sang “The Star Spangled Banner”, Aderyn Ketchum performed a powerful rendition of “When We Were Young” by Adele.
Principal Mark Barry asked all seniors graduating with honors in various academic subjects and those joining the armed forces after graduation to stand to be recognized.
Afterward, Salutatorian Natalie Lin with a GPA of 4.456 and Valedictorian Ariella Maroni with a GPA of 4.548 got plaques commending their achievements.
Continuing with the next senior performance, Eden Blad’s performance of “Rise Up” by Andrea Day captivated each attendee.
Barry certified the Class of 2024 to graduate, handing off the speaker role to Superintendent Brian Kingsley. His speech focused on how this graduating class is a creative bunch and “leads and lives with their heart”. He then accepted the certification for them to graduate.
All graduates then lined up to receive their diploma from the teacher of their choice, each receiving cheers from different parts of the audience and student body.
Class Treasurer Niyati Kuntumalla introduced this year’s Class Guardian Julia Zheng, who read “Charge to the Class”, a parting gift from Fossil’s 2006 graduates.
Finally, Class Vice-President Melissa Wong led the graduates in moving their tassels from right to left. The graduates threw their hats into the air, celebrating moving on to the next stages of their lives.