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Interracial Friends

Interracial Friends

if logo
The Interracial Friends logo. Photo Credit: Interracial Friends

Interracial Friends is a local clothing brand created here in Fort Collins in 2012. Mowgli Miles Smith, the creator of the brand, believes there should be friendship of all colors, which is also the message behind the brand. “I took this picture on October 21st of these two kids in my neighborhood playing; they’re Caucasian and African American. I thought to myself, if a world could take a simple message from what I’m seeing right now- just get along – we’d be such a better world. They’re friends regardless of their skin color, they probably don’t even think of such a thing” Mowgli explains.

When asked if he thinks hate and racism can be eliminated, Mowgli said no, “That is the sad and honest truth. It’s a natural feeling to feel hate, it is human and we must be true to that and be honest with ourselves.”  

Four years later and Mowgli is still passionate about his beliefs. He admits that when he started Interracial Friends he didn’t have a clue what he wanted to do with his life.  Even after printing the first shirts he says  “I was still somewhat in a cloud of doubt about things. Myself, if people would even like this, and if I even have a purpose to be alive.” He sold his first printed t-shirts at school, with the “if” logo representing Interracial Friends, and people loved them. From then on, he created a website and began vending his clothing. Mowgli will be at New West Fest for the third year in a row and says that in previous years, people loved not only the cool designs of his clothing but mainly the message that goes with them.

The photo Mowgli took of the two boys. Photo Credit: Mowgli Miles Smith

Mowgli does everything himself, from photography to packaging up his orders and sending them out. Based on his experiences, he strongly believes that when you do business by yourself, it has a stronger outcome rather than partnering with other people which he thinks has more potential of failing.

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Mowgli’s motivation has kept him working and doing what he loves every single day. Check out his clothes and more thoughts at

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