Why I love homecoming
by Lauren Scott
Is it just me or has homecoming taken forever to get here? Last year homecoming was super early at the very beginning of September. This year they planned much later. I think that late October happens to be the perfect time for homecoming. The leaves changing colors gives those homecoming pictures a fun, artistic flair. It is possible I’m just being a sentimental senior, but I can honestly say I have enjoyed homecoming the last three years.
One of the things that makes homecoming such a big deal is that it is one of the two dances that Fossil Ridge High School students get to have. Two dances for the whole school year and only one for the freshman and sophomores since they can’t attend prom. The school keeps talking about unity and this idea of being a ‘ridge nation’. For me I really feel like dances are that unifying force. It is a shame that we only get two dances. Homecoming brings Fossil together. Even if it isn’t the dance, homecoming week is aimed to unify the school.
Even if you aren’t one for dancing, there are ways that everyone can be involved in homecoming. One of the easiest ways is spirit days. Pajama day, pink out day, flannels, twin day, and Fossil Friday are the easiest way people can get involved and students get really into it. I don’t think that spirit days are something meant to embarrass us, it is meant to change it up. Who doesn’t love the excuse to wear pajamas to school? There are also the after school activities like Powder Puff football and Peach Fuzz volleyball. Those are unique activities that we only get once a year and they have the quickest sign-ups because of that. There is of course also the homecoming football game where we stand together as Ridge Nation. There is also the Homecoming assembly and, in my humble opinion, this year’s assembly was one of the best we have seen in awhile. The decorations and theme were amazing and the atmosphere was fun and spirited.For the dancers out there the homecoming dance is a night for music, dancing and fun. It is such a fun change instead of just having another average week of school.
Some people hesitate on homecoming because they don’t want to spend the money, but there are tons of ways you can save. For example, you don’t have to go to dinner, have your parents cook. There have also been groups that organize a more potluck feel. In terms of dresses, homecoming is way more casual than prom so wearing something from your closet is just fine. There is no need to spend a ton of money on a dress if you don’t want to. Also another great way to spend money is to paint your nails at home, there is no need for a salon appointment if you are trying to save money. Homecoming is a once a year thing that doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.
I thoroughly encourage all of Fossil to go have the best homecoming ever!

A change in school spirit
by Jaclyn Ambrose
Homecoming is a tradition in numerous American high schools- it celebrates the alumni and school spirit of the current students. At Fossil Ridge High School, homecoming is seen as overrated to many students. The point of homecoming is supposed to be uniting the student population, when the school eventually becomes divided and votes for different monarchs for each class.
What is the point of attempting to unite the student population by encouraging the students to dress for spirit days? I think it forces some students into peer pressure to participate with their friends. Although the student council is trying to unite the student body in positive ways, it can easily turn negative, if a student does not dress for a spirit day they’re or hazed from their peers. In the Junior-Senior TP wars juniors and seniors vandalize each other’s houses that has caused many problems in the past.
Each spirit day provides an opportunity for the students to participate; my opinion is that madness, it is just school. I understand making your high school experience fun, but the student council is providing opportunities that to me seem based more towards their personal interest rather than the majority of the student population, despite students voting some do not vote at all even some classes don’t vote as a whole.
Homecoming used to be much more than spirit days and a dance, it was about the alumni who graduated and the history of the school. Yes spirit is involved but I don’t think it’s meant to be celebrated with ‘Lumberjack Day’ and ‘Pajama Day’. Spirit days should be based off the school itself leading up to the big assembly. Nothing is better than showing off support for the school then decking out in school gear.
Then there’s the dance, the ultimate way to show off school spirit, because there is nothing better then over a hundred teenagers sweating in a gym. The homecoming dance is one of the ultimate ways to put pressure onto teenagers. The male population of students are pressured to ask whomever they like or whomever they are dating out to the homecoming dance. As for girls, those who are going worry about having a great dress, the perfect hair, the perfect makeup, and the best looking date. Paying for the whole deal of homecoming is expensive adding up the dress, corsage, dinners, makeup that some need to buy, and the tickets.
I for one think that the dance is overrated, the music isn’t the most exciting thing, it’s expensive to pay for a dress used for one night, and students are stuck in a gym with a whole bunch of sweaty teenagers with who knows how many actually use deodorant. Why pay twenty bucks for a few hours on a Saturday night in a damp and smelly environment? It’s ridiculous, having a movie night with friends sounds a whole lot more fun than going to the homecoming dance.
School celebrations are important and bring in more students to believe that their school is the best, and however the school expresses itself to show off their pride should be done in a manner of celebration and the colors that match their home during the next four years. Extra spirit days that are random are not the best way to celebrate the history and alumni of the school. Homecoming dances are expensive and cost students more than they should. If anything should stay, it’s the pride that students will carry with themselves in and out of high school.