On January 26-28 the Fossil Ridge High School theatre department will be putting on their senior directed one acts. There are three different one acts being performed. On Thursday, January 26 at 7 pm Superheroes directed by Alyssa Baechle and Alice in Wonderland directed by Elizabeth Woolner will be showing. On the 27 the performances begin at 4pm; Superheroes will be performed again as well as Cabin of Youth directed by Paige Otto and Caroline Frevert and written by Parker Bennett. One acts close on the 28 at 7pm with Alice in Wonderland and Cabin of Youth. This is the student’s first experience with directing a live stage play and according to Caroline Frevert “Casting was interesting because I’ve never been on the other side of the table before. It was a lot less stressful while we were casting but when we had to pick with the other directors it was super stressful.” The directors and their casts have worked extremely hard on the shows. Tickets for these one acts cost $5 and tickets can be purchased in advance at www.showtix4u.com. Come and support our aspiring performers and directors.
Kaitlyn Philavanh • Feb 7, 2017 at 9:16 pm
This is a really great informative article. I found it a bit awkward that the dates didn’t have the correct suffix (i.e. ” the 28th” and “the 27th” instead of just “the 28” and “the 27″_ however, other than that, this article was straight to the point and I was able to retrieve the information I needed. Well done!
Zach Schoenly • Feb 7, 2017 at 8:22 am
I would have added more information about the difficulties they encountered while directing. Just to give the reader more of an “inside view of what its like to be in their position as a director”.
Jacqui Occhiato • Feb 7, 2017 at 8:21 am
I like how they give the dates as to when the one acts will be but maybe go into more detail about how they prepared for these one acts and go more in depth about the one acts
Rheanna Will • Feb 7, 2017 at 8:08 am
Good detail on the event and what happened. Gives good insight on multiple people within the program and their jobs.