The Addams Family concluded their shows last week on Saturday, April 22. The theatre department will be saying some sad goodbyes to some of the seniors that Fossil students have come to know and love. The show ended on a high note and the cast agreed it was a great show. Junior Will Martella and senior Katie Foster both were pleased with how the show ended and both agreed that they would do the show again even with a different cast. According to Foster, “I would do it again because it was a great show. I felt like it was very heart-warming, funny and a show that you left feeling happy.”
There were not many seniors working on the show this year, but the ones who are leaving have left their mark on Fossil. Martella will still be here next year, so saying goodbye to the seniors was a bittersweet experience. “It’s so hard. When you do a musical it’s like going to war with someone because there is so much work you have to go through and so much stress. You grow so close to the people you work around and to say goodbye to those people is really hard because like in any sport or activity you learn about them in a way that you normally wouldn’t.” As students move up through the drama department it becomes clear that saying goodbye to the seniors and being the senior that is saying goodbye are two very different things. Foster said, “It’s the shock you feel when you realize I’m an adult, i’m leaving and I wasn’t expecting that.”

There may have been some bittersweet goodbyes but no one can deny the heart warming show was the perfect ending to the year. There will be other acting classes getting ready to strut their stuff on May 2 at the arts showcase and on May 9 for the Advanced Acting class’s performance, so there is still time to support the theatre department’s seniors.