Bored and Hungry: More like stressed and hungry

Olivia Doro

With holiday break coming up, Fossil Ridge High School students are excited for their brief freedom from school and stressed about the semester finals. Although many teachers promote that students who need to be tutored seek help from teachers and peers, the stress of such important tests doesn’t go away. So if you’re stressed, here are a few healthy ways to deal with it and put your energy into something positive.

Tip 1: Work it out. Working out produces endorphins, the body’s happy chemical. The benefits of working out include weight control, combatting health conditions and diseases, improves mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep, and most importantly helps manage stress. Looking for a new or different kind of work out routine? The Nike Training Club App has thousands of different workouts and exercise plans that send notifications to keep you on track, as well as giving the time of each workout so you can pick which exercise best suits your time table.

Tip 2: Reward system. Studying for 30-50 minutes at a time with a 10 minute break helps retain more knowledge. So instead of setting and resetting timers to keep yourself productive, download the Focus Keeper App. Focus Keeper allows you to set how many sessions you want and the time of each session, once your study session is over an alarm goes off letting you know it’s time to start studying work again. This system gives you breaks where you can do anything you want, rewarding you with free time and a break from the knowledge, while helping you learn and study better.

Tip 3: Study together. Working in groups to study allows for people of different skill levels to work together and work off each other. Studying with friends and people whom you have classes with helps everyone study in a more social way. So grab your books and either meet up at a diner or coffee shop or someone’s house and study.

Tip 4: Sleep. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is good for all aspects of your health, so studying all night and getting three hours of sleep is not a great idea. Set a reasonable time aside to study and then set a reasonable time to go to bed. Catching some much needed z’s will help you get those much wanted As.

Tip 5: Plan it out. See what days you have finals and in which classes. Knowing what periods you don’t have finals and what classes you’re having finals in will help you plan out what you need to study for. Checking your grades as well and knowing which classes require the most amount of studying will help you plan out how to study.

Don’t stress too much and know that if you’re stressed about finals, so are the rest of us. Good luck Sabercats and have a great Winter Break.