Op-Ed: Guns are bad, but gun ownership is good
Students protesting the ideas of gun control.
February 4, 2019
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White liberals, rich liberals, safe liberals; it’s time for us to chat. I’ve been thinking about writing this for a while now but I haven’t had all too much time. Your hearts are in the right place– guns kill people, so if we remove guns from society, less people will die. 2 + 2 = 4, easy, done. Most people would agree that the world would simply be a better place without any guns at all. But, the world doesn’t work like that. The world would be a better place without drugs too, agreeable? Has drug use or trafficking gone down since the War on Drugs began? Nope, its gone up. Did a border wall in Israel decrease violence with Palestine? Nope, violence increased. In fact, preventative measures rarely work. My fellow lefties can always agree with me that walls and laws can’t really achieve their intended outcomes, but for some reason this logic goes out the window when it comes to gun ownership. But enough speculation, let’s check out some facts. Actually, before facts let’s go into theory.
Part 1: The Government Sucks
The government (or any government for that matter) holds a monopoly of violence over its people. A civilian kills an innocent police officer? Life in prison. A police officer kills an innocent civilian? Paid vacation. Overseas, this monopoly resides in the hands of the military, who pretty much carry out any actions they choose consequence-free. Domestically, police are the weapon-holders. The call for gun control (or from some liberals, gun outlaw) requires a larger government with more police, holding more guns, and a more extreme divide in rights between cops and the everyman. Ironically, liberals are the same group that call for more “policing of police” (which I agree with) and claim that the major reason police commit so much unchecked violence is because of racism (which I also agree with). However, lefties must recognize that race and other forms of discrimination are also common provocations for gunmen to take their rifles to the streets. Every extremist murder carried out last year, in 2018, was done by a right-wing extremist, including Neo-Nazis, Incels and Alt-Righters. Not Muslims, not Antifa. We can derive from this that we do not need to fight guns to solve our issues with gun violence, we need to fight the current trend of Neo-Nazism.
Disclaimer: I am in no way apologizing for the actions of religious extremists. Fundamental Christians and Muslims alike have carried out destable actions in the past. However, post-9/11, American right-wingers have carried out more acts of violent terror than all American radical Muslims combined.
Part 2: Gun rights are women’s and minorities’ rights
I understand why liberal Fort Collins-ers feel safe without a gun in their home. It is the same reason I feel safe in my home every night at well. We tend to live in upper-middle class neighborhoods, don’t know many gun owners, and scoff at the idea of a redneck who knows all the specs of his favorite rifle. However, for many, carrying a gun remains a necessity. For the past 3 consecutive years, transgender individuals have been twice as likely to be victims of unprovoked murder than the cisgender majority. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals are estimated to be 30% more likely to be targeted for a violent attack than heterosexual individuals. 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will be the victim of an attempted or completed rape within their lifetime. Although not guaranteed, in all of these situations, having a gun on-hand or in one’s home would have helped prevent a crime.
Part 3: Individual Rights
It is important to maintain the right of the individual to own a firearm for two reasons:
- Police rarely prevent crimes, and only respond to them.
- If an officer or soldier has the inherent right to carry a firearm, it should be the right of every adult citizen as well.
There are some gun control laws that I support, as well. I support “Red Flag” laws, which remove guns from possession from between the time period of a violent crime until the trial is complete, and I also support universal background checks, which disallows those with violent criminal histories from (legally) aquiring a firearm. The vast majority of gun deaths cannot be attributed to “assault rifles”, as handguns are the most common weapon in murders, so putting restrictions on them is somewhat of a lost cause. When asked, I almost always tell people I am “pro-gun” which puts a strange look on the faces of my liberal friends, occasionally. Being pro-gun does not mean pro-violence, and honestly, “anti-gun” doesn’t always mean anti-violence, after the research is laid out.
I believe conservatives, liberals, and leftists alike would spend their time better debating other issues. At the end of the day, I don’t want the government Treading on gun rights, and I can shake hands with my right-libertarian friends on that. And liberals: you should too! Guns can greatly benefit the people you work to liberate, and can even be a tool in that liberation (am I allowed to call for libertarian socialist revolution on Etched in Stone? Probably not). The rights of the individual should be a priority for lefties, and for better or worse, guns do and should continue to fall under that umbrella of individual rights.
So go, research and buy yourself a gun (when you are of age). Take some safety classes. Defend yourself and your freedom. There is nothing to be frightened of, only things to learn.
wrgefn • Nov 8, 2019 at 12:05 pm
I find it pretty disrespectful to blindly attack officers because your “research” said so. Yes, there are bad apples in the law enforcement system, but the majority of the police are willing to risk their lives everyday to protect society from dangerous people. with more thought out research, this article would’ve been good. Also politics in this article was highly unnecessary since this article is for everyone, not just “white liberals”
anonomys • May 7, 2019 at 12:45 pm
this title stinks change it
Bruh • Apr 3, 2019 at 1:30 pm
Adamas • Mar 15, 2019 at 9:25 am
Payton Lee,
Perhaps a quote from a police officer. There is always two sides to each story. Besides, when it comes to gun control, there’s more factors to take in. First and primarily, crime rates. Each city is different in how often a crime happens. If there’s a city where crime is quite common, unlike little old Fort Collins, having a gun on hand is more important should people need to defend themselves. The other major factor is the fact that not all people are the same. We can’t control the thoughts of others, and we can’t control gun distribution. If somebody bad or unpredictable gets a weapon, we can’t foresee nor stop what will happen. The world around us is always changing, and no matter what we do, the only people we can control is ourselves.
Also, police dispatch is to respond to a crime, of course, but that’s because there’s not enough police officers to put in every building in a city. If there was, why would we even need gun control? Before you say “Police rarely prevent crimes, and only respond to them”, consider the following: If somebody was going to rob a bank, and all the money (hypothetically) had the same amount of money in each, would they choose one that’s 10 blocks from a station or 10 miles?
Payton Lee • Feb 5, 2019 at 9:34 am
Bartenders are 60% more likely to die on the job than police. Logging workers are 900% more likely. Police have extremely easy, safe jobs. When a dangerous situation comes up they run and hide (such as at Parkland for example. 4 police were on site, none of them would enter the building to confront the shooter). When they blatantly admit to committing hate crimes, they get away with it. Police have no more right to life than anyone else. They are hired employees.
Payton Lee • Feb 5, 2019 at 9:09 am
Carson… I am literally in agreement 100% with you on that. Read the article before YOU start whining about it.
Thomas Woolner • Feb 5, 2019 at 8:57 am
You and I agree on a lot of things here, but I respectfully have to say that you are misrepresenting the problem. I agree that having the right to bear weaponry is a fundamental right, and have always believed that. However, there are ways of passing gun control legislation that gets guns out of the hands of some of the people that will use them unjustly without stomping on the rights of American citizens who wish to own a gun to protect themselves. Certain common sense laws such as closing loopholes allowing people going to gun shows to purchase firearms without a background check, as well as increasing the amount of background checks required to acquire a gun will do nothing to a sane, sensible citizen who wishes to purchase a gun, except that it may take slightly more time, while stopping some of the people who would use a gun to cause harm to others from being able to do so, such as those with diagnosed mental illnesses that make themselves dangerous to themselves or others. Will it stop all people from buying a gun and using it to harm other people? No, of course it won’t. No legislation will stop every single shooter. There will still be the black market and people will still find ways to gain access guns under certain circumstances. Many people who were using guns to murder people will also be able to pass some of those background checks, but it will still reduce the number and help make America safer, and I believe that’s something all of us can get behind. Common sense gun control legislation will allow us to prevent some of the largest killings in America, reducing the number of shooting deaths, without infringing on the rights of American citizens who are in the proper state of mind to wield them responsibly and in defense of house and home. Thank you, I know your heart is in the right place, and that we both have the same goals in trying to stop senseless killings related to gun violence.
P.S: Gun control legislation does work. Take Australia, for instance. Australia as 13.70 guns per 100 citizens, and has suffered approximately 1 shooting related homicide per 555,555 citizens(this is a very similar number to many European countries, which have also adopted stricter gun control laws), whereas America has 120.5 guns per 100 citizens, and has suffered approximately 1 shooting related homicide per 21,645 citizens. Australia has far stricter gun control legislation and America has suffered 25.7 times as many shooting related homicides as Australia. Now, I am not suggesting that we should adopt legislation as strict as Australia, far from it, but gun control legislation has been proven to work very effectively, despite the fact that markets will still exist for them.
Thade W George • Feb 5, 2019 at 8:18 am
Hey Payton. I want to say that the article is well written and I enjoyed reading it, but a few of your points are wrong/inaccurate and I would like to have argument against each other and our views without both of us calling the other one dumb, which we have both done in the past. I will quote a few pieces and argue against them.
“Did a border wall in Israel decrease violence with Palestine? Nope, violence increased.”
According to statistics, before the wall was built/during construction there was 73 suicide bombings in the west bank between 2000 and 2003. After the wall was finished it decreased to 12 between 2003 and 2006. If that is not a decrease in violence, I don’t know what is.
“A police officer kills an innocent civilian? Paid vacation.”
Not only is this kinda rude to the people that protect your community, this is also false. Most officer involved shootings (more than 99%) are when the police officers life is at threat. This means the criminal has a weapon of some kind, or are not listening to commands. When it comes to black lives matter, there were only a few which showed possible violence used when it didn’t need to be, where the person was killed because of racism, but most of the black lives matters shootings are because the victim did not comply, had a weapon, or but the officers life at danger. I am not saying there are bad cops, but saying that they if they kill people they don’t go to jail is absurd. They are not above the law.
“major reason police commit so much unchecked violence is because of racism”
According to http://www.governing.com , only 35% of police officers are White. 43% are Hispanic (yes, more than white people) and the rest is shared between Blacks, Asians, and other races. If it was so racist, then the white would cover 80-100% of the police officers.
“American right-wingers have carried out more acts of violent terror than all American radical Muslims combined”
This is correct, but it is because it is easier to prevent large acts of terror then shootings. Our security is better. But if you look at the rest of the world, there is a drastic difference, and most terror attacks are caused by Muslim extremist. Again, this point is correct, I agree and it needs to be fixed, but I don’t think less guns is the answer.
“and I also support universal background checks, which disallows those with violent criminal histories from (legally) acquiring a firearm.”
I also support this but it already exist. I have been with adults while they were purchasing firearms. I have seen it take 1-3 hours to fill out a background check, then it being run, confirmed, ect. You can’t own a firearm after a violent felony.
I was reading the end of your article, and I agree with you. The overall article is great, just a few of your points I found inaccurate. Good job, I am glad we agree on something.
Carson Michel • Feb 4, 2019 at 2:29 pm
A gun has never killed someone, people kill people. A gun can’t drive down the street and murder someone but a person can. A gun can’t walk into a school and murder people. A kid who has been raised wrong and is mentally ill can though and unfortunately we can’t control that. For now we have the right to bear arms and until that changes you have nothing to whine about.
dude • Feb 4, 2019 at 1:32 pm
Ok, first of all, Police Officers don’t know if a suspect is innocent or not, so they aren’t allowed to take chances. Second of all, Police Officers shoot suspects because they’re trying to defend themselves and other civilians because it is their job to do so. Of course, if you shot and killed a police officer on purpose, you would obviously get LWOP or the death penalty. Police don’t get life in prison other high punishments because they’re not trying to kill, but immobilize a suspect so they can insure the safety of the public. Yes, some of those suspects may die from a police shooting but it is usually never the officer’s fault. Also there is nothing “civilian” about someone that is a cop-killer, its a criminal. Please don’t talk about police and the law when you clearly know nothing about them.