Infantacide: Third and Forth trimester abortions cannot be defended
Virginia Governor discusses abortion
February 7, 2019
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Content Warning: The following article discusses sexual assault, and may be difficult to read for some individuals.
If you watched the State of the Union address you might have remembered the part where president Trump talked about abortions and late term ones to be exact. With the current political climate americans are incredibly divided, so most republicans blindly say democrat policies are bad and most democrats blindly say republican policies are bad, but a recent bill has come up in multiple states that allow third trimester abortions, and some are even pushing for fourth trimester abortions for perfectly viable alive babies. This is not a right or a left problem, this is a human rights problem and it could be argued as a form of genocide.
As you probably know, humans take 9 months after conception to fully form into a child and then it is born. Each trimester is 3 months. First and second trimester abortions are quite common, and though I think they are wrong, I am not going to argue against them in this OP-ED. A third trimester baby would be close to fully developed, and they can feel pain and even have emotions around the 20 week mark, which would be late in the second trimester. Babies can now feel pain, have emotions, and they are not removed from the womb humanely. There is a video of a congress hearing where a former abortion doctor talks about how a abortion works, but warning it shows nothing but it is graphic when he talks about it.
Now multiple states want to allow third and even fourth trimester abortions. These would be where the surgeons dissect the baby alive and remove them piece by piece out of the womb. This is not about women’s rights, this is murder. Would it be different if the baby was born? Would be considered alive then by pro abortionist? Apparently not, because multiple states such as Virginia and New York want to push fourth trimester abortions, also known as killing the baby after birth. The baby would be born then there would be a discussion with the parents if they want to kill it or not.
This is murder. It is exactly like your parents saying they should legally be allowed to kill you. A lot of people bring up the “what if the mother’s life was at risk?” or “what if she was raped?” question, but I don’t think that should be able to change the answer. If the mother’s life was at risk, the father and the mother should decide to abort or not and it should be allowed. If the woman was raped, then there are plenty of families wanting to adopt. But the Virginia and New York governor want to allow these abortions A. after birth and B. for a perfectly viable child that the mother or father might not want to take care of.
The left’s message for a long time was protecting those who don’t have a voice, those who are marginalized, those who are oppressed, but if anyone doesn’t have a voice, it is those babies. What has america come to allow babies who can feel pain die? This is not right vs left, democrat vs republican, or pro choice vs pro life. This is pro infanticide or anti infanticide. It’s not complicated, this right vs wrong.
Smart man • Feb 19, 2019 at 7:08 pm
@JaneDoe Just don’t get pregnant.
Joe D. • Feb 15, 2019 at 2:50 pm
@Jane Doe you have committed a logical fallacy.
It is true that, an unborn baby, by definition, is not a baby.
However, these are known as fetuses, and they are very much alive.
Therefore, your statement is a non sequitur.
Jane Doe • Feb 11, 2019 at 4:51 pm
Did it occur to anyone that the mother could become at risk within the third and fourth trimesters, or otherwise have her situation be impacted to where it would not be feasible to her to have this child (ex, losing her job, the father leaves her, etc). This article, written by a male, supporting male ideals forces a woman to give birth (one of the most painful experiences ever). Women should get the right to pull out of a situation such as giving birth up until the baby is born. I’d like to cite the definition of a baby, “a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.” This definition, from Google’s dictionary, doesn’t consider a cluster of cells to be a baby UNTIL IT IS BORN.
Just something to think about.
A Woman • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:44 am
There are only thee trimesters in a pregnancy, the fourth is the first three months after a baby is born. So yes, aborting a fetus in the fourth trimester would be considered murder. Also, this isn’t a black and white issue. As you said earlier, there can be complications with the pregnancy that are life threatening. It is a woman’s right to choose, not a man’s right to legislate.
Thade George • Feb 9, 2019 at 10:03 pm
@payton lee
I agree I made mistakes lol
Carson Michel • Feb 8, 2019 at 11:39 am
Glad you included the part that this could be considered genocide, because it is! since 1973 there have been 50 million abortion the states. People in the future will definitely consider this a genocide. According to the bible and gods rule everyone born is free to roam in his kingdom, killing gods child is denying a humans right to be free.
Payton Lee • Feb 8, 2019 at 10:20 am
this would be a little easier to take seriously if you could spell, mate…
A man on the Right side of the spectrum • Feb 8, 2019 at 9:54 am
I believe abortions are alright, so long as they happen up to around 20 weeks. After that, in my opinion, the baby is now a living human and no longer a fetus. It can feel pain as well as emotion. I certainly do not believe Third Trimester abortions should be legal, and while some people believe that it barges into women’s rights, I do not, as I think 20 weeks, or over a third of a year, should be enough time to decide.
proofread dude • Feb 8, 2019 at 9:30 am
There’s nothing inherently wrong with this article besides the fact that you obviously don’t proofread. Just go back through and fix your grammar and spelling. There are multiple sentences with entire words missing.
Thade W George • Feb 8, 2019 at 9:14 am
I just realized I spelled half of this stuff wrong…….
Jaime • Feb 7, 2019 at 9:17 pm
Would you choose, option A or option B?
A: Defy women’s rights
B: Kill babies