Powderpuff football game inspires teamwork for girls

Caroline Sears

Teams of each grade level compete in a game of flag football.

Caroline Sears, Activities Writer

In a homecoming week tradition that has inspired young women to play football for years, the powderpuff football game took over Fossil Ridge High School’s field. Teams of Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors play in the name of teamwork and unity. 

Caroline Sears
The sunset provided a beautiful backdrop for the tournament.

The first round left the Seniors victorious against the Freshman 18 to 12. Next, the Freshman and Sophomores, joining forces in a combined team, tied with the Seniors. So far undefeated, the Seniors continued on to beat the Juniors. Still combined, the Sophomores and Freshmen lost to the Juniors. In the high stakes rematch between the Freshmen and Sophomore combined team and the Seniors, the senior class made the first point and went on to win the tournament.

Held by Key Club, senior member Sarah Person stated at the game, “Powderpuff is a really fun event where girls come together and they form a team.” Girls are inspired to play a male-dominated sport through this homecoming tradition. 

The name “powderpuff” originated around the 1930’s, in reference to the makeup tool. It was originally marketed using this name to appeal more to girls and encourage them to play. Key Club states that they would be more than willing to make some changes in how it is marketed because it is rooted in stereotypes. However, participants believed that the game helped get more people involved in the sport because it is well known as a homecoming tradition.

Vice President of Key Club, Brook Thompson said, “[Powderpuff] Gets the girls involved and gives them a chance to play a sport that they usually don’t get to. They get to come together as a team, it’s about unity for each grade level.” 

Caroline Sears
The girls braved the cold weather to play.

The flag football game was important to participants this year for various reasons. Winter Ashurst, a new student at Fossil, “wanted to meet some new people.” Riley Shneer has participated for three years in a row because it is, “a chance to show it is not only a guy sport but everyone can play.”

Person continues, “Football isn’t usually a girls sport but it’s just fun to (participate), even if you aren’t good at football. You get to sit back and have fun with friends and just have a good time.”