Bored and Hungry: 30 Day Journal Challenge
When you’re bored, or simply need to take your mind off of things, you should journal! Photo Credit: Emily Brey
December 14, 2017
If you’re sick of writing ten page research papers on topics you couldn’t care less about, or simply just need a way to blow off some steam, in not only a healthy, but non-violent way, do the 30 Day Journal Challenge with me.
Now, you might be thinking that you need a “real” hardcover journal for this, but trust me you don’t. This challenge could be carried out on sticky notes, notebook paper, index cards, even gum wrappers, all that matters is that you write down thoughts, phrases, or stories that you have each day for thirty days.
Journaling is a great way to relieve stress, and there are handfuls of students here at Fossil Ridge, and people in the Fort Collins community, who probably feel like they’re drowning in tasks this month. However, journaling is the perfect way to detox from everything you have on your list of things to do. The way this works is simple: find some form of paper, and a pen, and write. How easy is that? Write for 5 minutes, write for an hour, it doesn’t matter, and if you need help, or would like a variety of different prompts to write about, you can check Pinterest, they have pages and pages of prompts waiting just for you.
I actually journal on a regular basis, and not only is a wonderful way to document my day to day experiences and interactions, but it is really a great way to clear my mind. Some people find it relaxing to go pump heavy iron for two hours, but if that isn’t your style, you can cuddle up in your favorite place, with your favorite blanket, and let the ink fill line after line.
With the holiday season underway, there are many things you can write about, the gifts you’re getting for others, what you’re thankful for, you can even start brainstorming about what your resolutions for 2018 will be. No matter what your purpose for writing is, do it, and dominate this 30 Day Journal Challenge