Student Council annoys student body for fundraiser
Student Council has been playing “It’s a Small World” over the intercom system during passing period. Photo Credits: Liam H. Flake
April 6, 2018
Wednesday, April 4, through Friday, April 6, Fossil Ridge High School’s Student Council is playing “It’s a Small World” over the intercom system during passing period until their fundraising goal. The music, played on repeat from student council member Evan Curran’s phone, can be heard throughout the school. On its first day, the music proved successful, raising the target $50 within approximately six minutes.
“We’re playing ‘It’s a Small World’ for two reasons: one, it’s a Disney song, and two, it’s incredibly annoying. It’s got three lyrics.” This is how Curran, who helped arrange the setup, explained the reasoning for the little-appreciated song played. “That’s all we’ll be playing. That’s the annoying-ness factor;” he clarified with a laugh. With this fundraiser, annoying the student body as much as possible is Curran’s main goal. Along with song choice, however, the intercom system itself contributes to the effect. Curran believes, “the speakers are so bad, they make it even more annoying.”
Despite the eventual success of the irritating melodies on the system, some technical difficulties were encountered with its setup. “Dr. Chaplain wasn’t here on Tuesday, so we had some issues with the PA system. It didn’t work in the morning,” stated Curran. The music was originally intended to last Tuesday through Thursday, but was shifted to Wednesday through Friday. StuCo got rid of it Tuesday, and moved it to Friday with Dr. Chaplain’s approval.
Although he arranged the fundraiser, Curran himself is not immune to the obnoxiousness of his music. “I’m sitting there in the office, and I hear from my phone, but I also hear it reverberating throughout the hallways, and I think: ‘This is so terrible. I’m so sorry,’” he offered. Ultimately, however, though Curran understands and feels the irksome nature of the music, he is not remorseful about the fundraiser. “The annoying music is really annoying. I’m going to apologize for that. But, also, it’s for charity. The more you donate and the quicker you donate, the quicker it will be turned off. It’s a win-win situation.”
The target fundraising amount started on Wednesday as $50, and increases $50 each day. To help end the vexatious tunes, contribute to the Make-A-Wish donation jars in any of the school’s offices.