Introduction to acting class presents Epic Anxiety
April 28, 2019
Thursday, April 25, the 2019 Introduction to Acting class performed their two one acts, Epic Fail and Anxiety is Orange. The entire semester, this class has been learning the ins and outs of the theatre and rehearsing these shows. They began with Epic Fail, a show about the struggles of high school.
Both of the one acts were classified as vignettes. A vignette is a story from a character’s life which displays their personality, but putting vignettes together means that there is no structured plot.
The shows included characters like Avery, played by Connor Mounts, who commented on the amount of letters used in high school to determine your value. Mounts described the show as “high school, over-glorified”
Also featured were characters like Robin, played by Cameron Torres, who struggles with a stutter and the pressure placed on him by his family. These stories and characters portrayed in the one act were incredibly realistic; perhaps that is because many of the students have dealt with the same problems.

Characters discuss the meaning of yellow roses.
Actress Madison McDonald played the driving instructor in Epic Fail. She said, “I learned not to be nervous in front of a crowd and just be me. This class was really fun and I just really enjoyed it.”
The second show preformed was Anxiety is Orange, another vignette about character’s personalities and how they convey emotion through color. The character Rory, dressed in green, represented jealousy. This character was played by Jordi Spencer, who said,“I learned that you probably get very far being like my character, Jealousy.”
Throughout this show, a few technical errors distracted from the action on stage but were quickly resolved. Introduction to Acting is a starting place for many thespians and those who participate in this class get a chance to experience theatre, some for the first time.
Both shows commented on the difficulties of high school, and both were realistic and even encouraging. At the end of both shows, each character had made change in their life for the greater community of high school—perhaps we can take some inspiration.