The importance of self care


Maddie Booton, Media Manager

April, a time for longing over summer, yet also a time of relentless school work and intense focus. This time of year can often feel overwhelming and a break seems so far away, but taking time for intentional and consistent self-care is crucial to the mental health of students. This rhetoric may feel familiar and useless, yet studies point to the importance of balance between work, rest, leisure activities, and self-care. This balance of living is essential to creating a student who is productive and healthy.

Self-care and mindfulness are proven to have physical health benefits, meaning less time out of school, and mental health benefits, meaning more productive and less stressful times in school. The question with students is often, “How should I start?” and “What should I do for self-care” and the answers can be rather simple. Time after time articles list reasons like “drinking more water” or “talking to a friend” and while those are great, there are different and more enjoyable ways to take care of yourself. Simply put, you can do something for pure enjoyment, physical health, or something that is academically interesting.

Pure enjoyment is something most high schoolers seem to lack in their everyday lives. Sometimes, things can seem so mundane and boring that it is easy to get stuck in a rut and not do anything. Intentionally choosing to do something purely because it is something you enjoy is such a simple way to practice self-care. Some things that you can do to get started include creating something artistic, dancing to your favorite music, or watching a favorite movie or show. Personally I always feel so inspired after painting a picture or coloring a page of a coloring book. and I find that this always makes me feel more energized, which is perfect if you are feeling extra tired. 

Dancing to your favorite music is also a favorite of mine; there is simply nothing like getting your headphones, blasting your favorite music, and getting up and moving. I personally like the dancing aspect but if that is not your cup of tea, simply listening to music is wonderful too. You could even combine artistic and musical talent by playing or learning to play an instrument. Sometimes a more relaxed and chill vibe is needed, and watching a favorite show or movie is just what you need. I love to revisit some of my childhood favorites when I am feeling particularly down, as it always brings a sense of nostalgia and enjoyment. Doing something that makes you feel happy and that you are doing out of pure enjoyment is a perfect and simple way to take care of yourself. 

Physical health is also closely related to mental health, so it is important to maintain both of them. Listen to what you are telling yourself in terms of what would make you feel best. If you need to eat something, go for a run, or stretch you should do it because, chances are, it will improve your overall mental state. It is not always that easy to do, but getting in touch with what your body needs is necessary to have a healthy mind. One area that many teens, including myself, struggle with is sleep. Studies show that teens are not getting enough sleep, yet sleep is so critical to the health of your brain and attitude throughout the day. Limiting sleep can lead to increased anxiety and stress and is especially not good if you have a test the next day. It is not easy but trying to get some more sleep every night so that you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

School is exhausting and there are no two ways about it. I feel burned out when I get home and learning no longer feels fun. The best way to combat this issue is by finding an educational activity that you actually enjoy. It sounds cliche but reading a book for fun is one of the best forms of self-care. If tackling an entire novel seems daunting and impossible, try a collection of short stories that are easy yet enjoyable to read. My personal favorite is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories. You can also explore other academic areas like learning a language, reading an interesting scientific article, or trying a course on the free website Coursera. The rejuvenating nature of an exploration into a personal academic idea is a perfect way to practice self-care in your daily life. 

This time of year, mental health and self-care should be a priority. No matter what it looks like for you, taking care of yourself has health benefits that with the growing stress of school help any student anywhere.