College Board redefines AP and SAT tests

Accommodating for College Board tests seems like a first time occurrence. However, they have had to reschedule and make changes for other happenings as well.
April 2, 2020
With all classes transferring to remote learning, Advanced Placement tests are following suit. Although there are few details currently and more are to come, College Board is doing their best to accommodate all students. Therefore, the AP tests will not include material learned at home, only covering class material up until early March. Due to the confidentiality of the SAT test, it will not be available online, and is being moved to a later date. For the moment it, is cancelled in the spring.
Scrapping the multiple choice, the online AP tests will only include free response. Additionally, each unit will only be 45 minutes long. The tests can be taken from any device, or a photo of a handwritten response can be sent in. For those who do not have access to technology to take said tests or do not have internet, College Board is working on finding ways to provide aid to these students. Everyone who wants to take the tests will be able to receive access. However, if a student does not want to take the AP test anymore, they can drop out with no additional fees. To make sure all tests are completed fairly, there will be a plagiarism detection device linked to the online tests.
On April 3, College Board expects to release free response question examples. These examples will be directly pulled from previous tests, so students can prepare ahead of time and know what to expect when the date comes. College Board is also providing scheduled “classes” for each subject to help students reviews.
There is even more uncertainty surrounding the SAT. All previously scheduled private tests outside of school are cancelled. Fossil’s tests are also up in the air. College Board is currently looking to move the school tests to the fall. As more information is released, it will be updated on the College Board website. Khan Academy is continuing to provide specified, free practice to prepare for the SAT.
Until then, Fossil, keep preparing for these tests. Everyone still has a chance to fairly pass AP exams for college credit. Although motivation might be a little difficult right now, continuing to study and work hard will give the best chances for high scores hoped for.