Editor’s note: Introducing next year’s leadership

Jordan Brownhill

As the school year comes to an end, we have selected Sophie Webb and Aislyn McDonald as our co Editors in Chief for the 2023-2024 school year.

Jordan Brownhill and Lizzy Camp

As Fossil Ridge High School students begin to wrap up the school year, it has come time for us to choose next year’s leaders to take over the paper. While it seems like our time as Co Editors in Chief just began, we found ourselves interviewing fellow staff members and making decisions that would affect the future of Etched in Stone. We have some amazing staff members taking on the responsibilities that come with running, and we feel confident that they will continue to make the paper the best it can be.

Sophie Webb, who took on the roles of Social Chair and Social Media Manager this year, is excited to begin a new chapter as co Editor in Chief. (Lizzy Camp)

We are excited to introduce Sophie Webb as one of our new Co Editors in Chief. After spending a year as social chair and social media manager, we feel that Webb is the perfect fit for this position. She has demonstrated a sense of dependability and excellence that comes with the editor role, along with responsibility and also an innate sense of compassion. Webb’s presence in the newsroom has made it brighter this year, whether it’s creating posts or coming up with new games, and we feel confident that the future of our program is safe in her hands, working together with Aislyn McDonald.

Aislyn McDonald is excited to continue growing Etched in Stone as co Editor in Chief. (Jordan Brownhill)

Also taking on the role of co Editor in Chief is Aislyn McDonald.  McDonald stepped into the newsroom in January as an unfamiliar face to most of the staff, however she immediately jumped into journalism with an admirable passion. Never failing to try new things, whether it’s giving the Etched in Stone site a new look or experimenting with the settings on a camera, we feel confident that she will take on the responsibilities of co Editor-in-Chief without hesitation. Paired with Webb, the two will be unstoppable as Editors.

Sydney Lammey has been a part of the Etched in Stone staff for two years and will be returning to her role as News Director next year. (Lizzy Camp)

Returning as News Director we have Sydney Lammey. Lammey has two years of experience writing for the paper and has developed the ability to spot unique and news-worthy stories around Fossil. As both peers and leaders, we have gotten to watch Lammey come out of her shell and begin to see the world from a  journalistic perspective. Bringing new ideas to both her role as News Director and writer for the paper, Lammey has a passion for making Etched in Stone the best it can be, and will continue to be an excellent leader for the rest of the staff.

Claire Kizer began their time at Etched in Stone as Head Copy Editor and is excited to continue to fulfill those responsibilities. (Lizzy Camp)

Continuing their role as head copy editor is Claire Kizer. Kizer was a new addition to the newsroom this year, and their presence could not have been more of a gift. We have gotten to see them grow as a journalist and as a team member, and they have become an incredible writer and podcaster. Along with these monumental achievements, Kizer has also read, edited, and helped each writer through anything that they published this year. They are also a fantastic addition to the team, with a great sense of humor and teamwork, we’re confident that they will thrive in this position. 

With this new generation of leadership stepping in, this also requires us to step back. Our experience as members of the Etched in Stone staff over the years has been invaluable, and filled with so many moments of laughter and joy. We will miss the chaotic mornings, the publishing victories, and the debates over questions of the day. Above all, we will miss the people that we have worked with and the impression that they have left on us. As we both move on in life, we feel confident that the future of Etched in Stone is one that will grow and thrive, and we thank it for the time in which we could take care of it.