It’s the age old battle, alongside pirates versus ninjas; cats versus dogs. Many outgoing and energy-filled people enjoy giving the proud information to anyone who will listen: “I’m a dog person!” Often, this is followed up by a jab at cats and how they spawn from dark alleyways and deserted orphanages. Little do they know that cat people do the same thing, except directed towards those peanut-brained dogs who don’t know how to control their own saliva output. Of course, the variety of people who inhabit each side of the battle is vast, but there’s still something that connects them all.
It’s the fact that they all enjoy categorizing themselves. Despite their inner struggle to accept everybody as equal yet individual, there is still the natural inclination to separate into collections of similarities, as if they’re on an endless journey to find their exact copy. Somewhere out there…
Or they just enjoy talking about similar interests with similar people. Either way, you know whether or not you’re a cat person. Or do you? This Y/N questionnaire tests your cat person-ality:

Can you tell what type of person I am? Come on. Guess.
- I enjoy having hours of time to myself to recharge.
- I am very careful about my appearance and don’t like looking sloppy.
- I don’t enjoy being bothered all the time. Seriously, leave me alone.
- I sleep often. Like, 18 hours in a day often.
- I’m more of a night person. I sometimes stay up late to bother people by sitting on their faces.
- I take baths all the time. With my tongue. I’m very flexible.
- Sometimes I dream about eating rodents and deporting all dogs from the United States.
- I’m independent and am not one to give in to peer pressure.
If you said “yes” to four or more of these questions, you just might be a cat person. Or a cat-person, depending on which ones resonated with you.