Calling all rabbit lovers! Fossil Ridge High School’s fall play, Harvey, has been announced! Harvey, by Mary Chase, has won multiple awards and first premiered on Broadway Nov. 1, 1944.
This comical play centers around Elwood P. Dowd, a man who has an imaginary friend that just so happens to be a six foot tall rabbit. Harvey follows Elwood and his social climbing sister Veta as she admits him to a sanitarium because she doesn’t want him wrecking her social status Comical errors lead Doctor Sanderson into accidentally admitting Veta as the crazy one instead of Elwood. Eventually, Elwood goes missing and proceeds to tell everyone about his bunny friend named Harvey. The real question comes down to what it means to be ‘normal’ in society.
The quote Kochis picked that best describes the play is, “And then I introduce them to Harvey… And he’s bigger and grander than anything and when they leave, they leave impressed.”
Auditions will take place from September 2-4 in room 241 after school. Ms. Kochis, one of the FRHS drama teachers, will be directing the fall play. Audition and tech application forms can be found on the callboard by the drama office. It’s a cast of twelve, and opening night is Thursday, November 19th.