With the fall among us, college bound seniors are trying to find a school that they can call home for the next four years of their life. There are thousands of colleges that prospective students can choose from. Categories such as majors offered, class size, student life, athletics, Greek life, location, cost, and many other factors can be important when making a college decision. The most important thing for seniors is to find a college that is the right fit for them. One of the best ways to truly explore a college is visiting the campus and seeing it for yourself. Here are some tips to make the most out of your college visits this fall.
- Explore the town where the college is located. You won’t be on campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 years. Explore the town and its’ restaurants, shopping outlets, grocery options, and recreation opportunities.
- Research off campus housing and cost of living. The majority of students will start the first year by living in the dorms but will eventually move out. Analyze rent and other expenses. The same two bedroom apartment has two completely different prices in Fort Collins and Los Angeles.
- Location. Location. Location. Where is the campus located is compared to home? Will coming home for the holidays require a drive across town or a plane ride? Does the town have a commercial airport? Can you bring your car to campus? These are questions you should be asking.
- More than Academics. Does your college have athletic teams if you want to compete in college? Is there a recreation center to stay fit or cultural offerings such as music venues, theaters, sports complexes, etc.?
- Academic Support. After college is over, all students hope to be walking away with a degree. Does your future college have academic support systems such as tutoring, counselors, advisors, and resources that you can use to succeed?
- Document your visit. Take photos of classrooms, campus buildings, student centers, the town, people on campus, and the natural environment surrounding the campus. When you are sitting at home late at night trying to make your college decision, you can look back at the photos you took.
- Feel like you fit in. This is a really cliché statement in every college bound seniors’ head. I encourage you to picture yourself attending the college you are visiting. Do you get that gut feeling of fitting in? Can you picture yourself doing the activities you see current students doing? Will you be happy at this college? Only you can decide this and I wish you good luck in your college search.