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Photos taken in collaboration with Colby Ripsam
Fossil took the second place title with a score of 85.85 after being recognized for the highest musical and visual performance at the state marching band competition on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015 at Hughes Stadium in Fort Collins, Colorado. With just 0.2 in the lead, Legacy High School received first place with a score of 86.05. Fairview High School was third among the top three with 83.20 points.
The greatest challenge Fossil’s marching band was able to overcome in the state competition was non other than mediocrity. A strive toward excellence that was not for a “plastic trophy, but taking the show to the highest level possible and to do the great show justice,” said Andy Blomfelt, a senior veteran of the marching band.
Final results were the least of worries to Fossil’s band members. The state championship was all about sharing the pure passion and love for music that has captivated the hearts of 202 marchers. “We eat, sleep, and band,” stated Benjamin Martin.
“The Pale Blue Dot” was the last performance for many senior veterans. The band was prideful and in high spirits after the show with tears of joy, but for some, tears of sadness as well. Jared Weber stated “I love doing this. It’s an amazing experience. Knowing my time in it is coming to an end makes me really sad.” The close relationships that were formed throughout all marching seasons from previous years had members reminiscing and feeling nostalgic of their beginning years. “I will really miss the family we created in band,” said Alec Larner.
The 2015 band season began with inspiration from Carl Sagan’s essay which was used to evoke the same themes in the music and narration for the show. Larner, a member of the drumline, was the narrator throughout the performances. “I used my stage voice like I would for a drama production,” he said. The band leadership team worked hard with Daniel Berard, the director of bands, to write musical scores and narration of the show.
Fossil band members were finally able to present their hard work and strong qualities during their state competition. “The state championships is always one of the best performances,” claimed Blomfelt.
It has come to an end of the marching season for these sabercats, but the indescribable experiences will stay with them forever and the season for music will always continue.