Tis’ the season to start looking forward to hot chocolate, skiing and snowmen. Yes, everybody loves the changing colors of leaves and haunted corn mazes, but quite a few of us Coloradoans are ready for the brisk air to move in. Here are 10 things that will make you want Winter that much more.
- Ski/Snowboard Season- Many people throughout this beautiful state of Colorado take part in skiing and snowboarding. Senior Kai Gefroh says “I can’t wait to get up to Winter Park, ski season is my favorite part of the year.”
- Hot Chocolate- There’s nothing better than crevassing a hot cup of hot chocolate after hours of bitter air and snowflakes hitting your face and body. Winter time is always good for plenty hot chocolate, whip cream, and marshmallows.
- Christmas Movies- Just about everybody has a favorite christmas movie that puts them in the holiday spirit. Movies like Elf, A Christmas Story, and Polar Express are just a few that can get you more jazzed than ever for Santa to come down your chimney.
- SNOW- The snow itself can get someone jazzed about the holiday spirit. The snow is absolutely not for everyone, but you talk to the right person and snow is something that can either make or break your christmas season.
- Sports Season- The change in school sports is something to look forward to as high school students. Girls swimming looks to repeat a state championship this year, and senior Jamie Cook, talks about the forthcoming basketball season saying “I love the adrenaline everyone brings to the gym.”
- Santa- Seeing everybody’s favorite christmas mascot Old Saint Nick this December is just part of christmas fun. Who doesn’t like having a jolly old man deliver you presents?
- Snowball Fights- I understand that this last activity might not be for everyone, but personally speaking having snowball fights during the Winter is something to most certainly look forward too.
- Christmas Music- Enjoying a winter night with snow falling from the sky is very peaceful, but listening to some classic christmas carrols on your speaker will make it that much better.
- Sledding- Sledding becomes a very viable option in the winter time for activity. And what’s better than flying down a hill at high speeds on a piece of plastic?
- The New Year- Many people look forward to having a “fresh start” as the new year rolls in. According to details.com 45%of Americans have New Years resloutions.