Winter has begun to frost over Fort Collins, leaving PSD School District with some decision making tasks. December 15, 2015 it was announced around 6 in the morning that all schools in our area were granted a snow day with temperatures ranging from around 5 degrees to just below freezing. Of course, the students were jumping for joy, but was it really a good thing especially during a week as critical as finals week?
With wind howling through the illuminated dark sky, and invisible ice running its way all along the streets of Fort Collins, the call made yesterday was necessary. Students were pumped about the day off, and spent it either frolicking out in the foot of snow we got, or decked out inside studying the day away, thankful that they had an entire 24 hours to prepare for their upcoming and stressful finals. One student Katey Guzman commented, “I was so happy we got the day off, I need more time to study, and it was a nice break to not have to come to school.” After speaking to a couple students their replies all remained in the same boat as Katey’s.
There are only a couple more days until break, and the end-of-semester jitters are really showing themselves. Students are already talking about plans for this weekend and the two weeks we have off as well, but there are still two days left, and they are very important! Hopefully the end of this week goes by quickly and students here at Fossil Ridge can finish this semester with a bang.