On Friday, May 5, Fossil Ridge will be putting on their annual Film on a Shoestring festival (FOASS). This event has been a tradition since Fossil became a school. It will be held in the PAC and beings at 6 pm. Advisor for the TV program, Brendan Gallagher says his favorite part of the event is “students run the whole event so it’s cool to see how they host things and structure it and run everything. As a filmmaker the more interesting piece is seeing the audience that knows nothing about the film just sit down and watch it”.
This event is put on by Fossil’s TV students and all TV 2 and TV 3 classes spend second semester preparing something to submit. The number of submissions is narrowed down first by run time. This year the cut off is ten minutes though in the past it has been as many as 20. The films are then reviewed by three different teachers which tends to cut submissions in half.This year the teachers who previewed the films were Mr. Marshall, Mr. DeGear and Mr. Hanauer.

As the films are shown to the audience there are also three outside judges. This year Fossil has the privilege of having an editor for Stranger Things, Kevin Ross, Aaron Slavick who was a writer on The Killing and The Good Wife, and a Fossil graduate who is currently working on music videoes in Hollywood, Keenan O’riley.
Audiences can expect a night of movie watching in the PAC although for the students putting on the event it is slowly becoming more formal. Last year the hosts sported tuxedos and students this year will not be outdone. As far as content goes there will be a series of Narrative Shorts, Documentaries, and Music Videos. The documentaries is a new addition this year because in past years there haven’t been enough submitted to make it a category. It is bound to be a creative fun experience for both the audiences and those putting on the event.