Player Profile: Matt Geraghty
May 4, 2018
Matt Geraghty was born in Tula, Russia on October 27th, 1999. Geraghty lives with his mom Kyra, and his dad Mike who were both born in Iowa. He also has two little sisters, Grace who is a junior at Fossil and Anna who is a sophomore. Swimming takes up the majority of Geraghty’s free time, so he doesn’t get to spend much time with his family before or after school.

Geraghty is a senior at Fossil Ridge High School and is one of the key swimmers on the boys swimming and diving team. He has been swimming competitively for seven years now and loves every second of it. Throughout high school he has been swimming for Fossil but he also swims for Fort Collins Area Swim Team all year around. Geraghty enjoys swimming year round because he loves being in shape and being on a team for seven year has formed many lifelong friendships. The 50 freestyle or 100 freestyle race is Geraghty’s best event when swimming at a meet. At state this year he will be swimming the 200 freestyle relay and the 400 freestyle relay.

Next year Geraghty will be attending Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio to further his swimming and education career. “Next year I am most excited to be swimming everyday and meeting new people who have the same interests as I do.” stated Geraghty. Geraghty is interested in going into the medical field, nursing or some sort of therapy is something he may study but is not positive yet.

Geraghty spends around 22 hours at swim practice a week, this doesn’t include the time spent outside of the pool working out. Everyday besides Sunday he has practice before and after school, saying he spends a lot of time in the pool is an understatement. Outside of swimming Geraghty enjoys hanging out with friends, watching HGTV, and making smoothies. If Geraghty could go anywhere in the world he would travel to the Middle East, specifically Israel because he is extremely interested in their culture and history. Traveling is something he would like to take up once he graduates college.

“I couldn’t picture myself not swimming. It’s something that I have fallen in love with and even though there are hard times I have learned how to tough it out and be the best athlete I can be.” said Geraghty. If your walking around the halls of Fossil there is no doubt you have not spotted Matt. Funny, spontaneous, and understanding are three words he would use to describe himself. He loves to go on random adventures with his friends and make the most of his time.
This summer is his last summer at home so he wants to spend time with his friends and family, also take a trip somewhere tropical. Geraghty has loved the experience he has had at Fossil throughout his high school career but is excited to go do bigger and better things in Cincinnati. “It’s just like a lifestyle. Swimming benefits you in so many ways. You stay in shape, you learn how to work hard and how to be a supportive teammate.” stated Geraghty