Welcome to the jungle: moments from the 2018 Homecoming Dance
Students throw their hands up and dance the night away.
September 16, 2018
On Saturday, September 15, Fossil Ridge held its 14th annual homecoming dance in the school gym, featuring the theme of “Safari.” From 8:00 pm to 11:00, Fossil students danced amongst decorations mirroring the African savannah. Students were additionally given the options to cool off and hang out outside or use the provided photo booth.
The night proceeded as follows:
7:35- Students begin to arrive. Within minutes, a line stretches from the athletic doors to the drop off lane, and, soon, to the west student parking lot.

8:00- The doors open. Students are sent to two stations, where they buy tickets or present previously bought ones. Students enter the gym to find spotlights sweeping the gym, highlighting safari decorations from hippopotami to giraffes to the puma statue in the center of the dance floor.
8:28- Cupid’s “Cupid Shuffle” comes on, and students form rows for the popular line dance. Student Carson Eyer states: “I feel sweaty.”

8:44- Alexis Ohde is chatting outside with friends, taking a break from the cacophony and heat of the dance floor. She describes her experience thus far with a single word: “Hype.”
8:48- The tempo slows down to the night’s first first slow dance — “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. Student Madeline Devany stands on the sidelines, watching couples sway back and forth. “It’s romantic,” she offers with a shrug.

Two students enjoy a slow dance.
8:49- The music picks back up with Justin Bieber’s 2017 hit “Despacito.”.
8:51- Fossil student and previous Homecoming Duke Aaron Lucas has just arrived. “It’s going to be pretty fun. I’m definitely going to have a good time,” he provides.
9:02- Dean Ryan Wulff relocates students from the designated outside area — a taped-off section right outside the gym hall — to an area outside the commons to the west, due to an impending spray of sprinklers.

Students take the opportunity to take a breath outside.
9:13- Students have moved to and filled in the new outdoor space. Among these is Lindsey Puev, sophomore at Fossil. Puev is not entirely content with the change. “What the h*ll?” she expresses with dissatisfaction. “Why’d they choose the smaller space over the larger one?”
9:35- Students slow dance for the second of three times for the night.
9:50- Singing along to a single line of Drake’s “God’s Plan,” students announce in unison that they only love their beds and their mothers and that they are sorry.
10:13- For a brief moment, two students are spotted dancing atop one of the decorations adorning the center of the dance floor.

Two students dance atop gym decorations.
10:16- With Beyonce playing overhead, single ladies take the dance floor.
10:21- The aforementioned two students retake their position atop the student council-provided gym adornments, this time with a third companion.
10:37- Luke Purvis sits on the bleachers on the south side of the gym, watching a television program on his phone. “Just taking a breath with my friends,” he explains.

Students take a break from the dance floor on the bleachers.
10:44- A student is reprimanded for attempting to sit astride the puma statue in the midst of the dance floor. “He can’t do that,” Wulff states.
10:47- Students sway to their last slow song of the dance, Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud.”
10:55- Fossil’s 2018 Homecoming Dance concludes with Macklemore’s “Can’t Hold Us.” Students put their hands up and dance.
10:59: Overhead lights come on, and students flood out to their cars and awaiting rides.
11:08- Administrators, chaperones, and faculty have gathered by the athletic doors. “I think it was an awesome homecoming week, and I’m proud of everyone,” Principal Julie Chaplain stated, offering a conclusion to Fossil’s 2018 Homecoming Week.
11:15- The last dance attendees depart.
11:24- While students linger at Twin Silo Park, a nearby car is observed honking to the tune of “Jingle Bells.”
Serena Bettis • Sep 21, 2018 at 1:50 pm
Liam, I love the way you wrote this article! It’s really unique – A great idea/way to cover dances – Good job and I’m so proud of you!!