Dear Fang: Snowdrift

Dear Fang

Dear Fang

Dear Fang,

    So you know how you can sense that something is wrong but you doubt yourself. Well I’m stuck in that situation with one of my friends. He’s like a brother to me and we can tell each other almost anything and we’ll either respond with the down-to-earth truth, or give our own opinion. But for the past couple of weeks he seems more sad and angry and I don’t know what to do. Can you give me any tips for how I can help him? Thank you so much!




Dear Snowdrift,

I definitely know where you are coming from. It’s tough when a friend is struggling and you feel like you can’t help, but you can. If I were you, I would approach my friend and ask what is wrong. Just being up-front with someone can be the best solution. If your friend is still resistant, all you can be is there for him. Although he might seem like he doesn’t want you around, unwanted company is always better than no company. Just be extra nice to him and make him feel good about himself. Send him a good morning text; make him smile. Eventually everything will get better – everyone goes through rough patches and this will only make your friendship tighter.

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