Macy Fowler

Hello everyone, I’m Macy Fowler, Co-Editor-in-Chief for the year of 2019-2020. As the only senior to go through Journalism I separated from Journalism II, I experienced something completely different from my peers. My sophomore year and first year in J2, I was thrown into the J12 system without having time to learn and grow my skills. With J12, it was our beginner class of J1 and the papers’ class of J2 mixed together.  Watching my predecessors undergo the pressure of a completely new system and managing to succeed was inspiring. I want to do them justice by continuing to grow our family, especially now that the J12 class is separated back into two skill levels. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to pick up where Karen and Olivia, 2018-2019 EICS, left off, although I do not feel like the leaders they were. My main fear of being Co-EIC is that I will let the staff down, even though I have worked for this position since I joined the program. I want to see Etched in Stone flourish from what it was when I joined, along with the hard working staff who are a part of it. Being the person who others can safely come to and discuss their issues is one of my strengths, along with my determination.

In order for EIS to continue its growth, I would love to continue coaxing freshman, or anyone, to join either classes. The Journalism room is one large family who indeed has their ups and downs, but we come together to create a caring atmosphere and let creativity flow. With a large group of people, ranging from all sorts of skill levels, it will be an interesting year for EIS. 

Liam and I have talked about working with high school journalism programs in the Poudre School District, which is going to be one of our largest goals to complete. Another goal of mine is to reach a wider audience at Fossil, as many people are unaware of the school paper. With a couple of ideas in mind, I cannot wait for them to come to fruition in the upcoming year. 

It feels like just yesterday I was a freshman and meeting Serena Bettis, who really intimidated me. Now I hope to make her proud and know she will read this at some point, along with Karen and Olivia. Let’s have a great year, Fossil!