Fossil Ridge High School is preparing to make a musical film including every student in the school, similar to that of last year’s lip dub, which has more than 42,000 views on YouTube. The film will be entitled “Ridge Life,” and will have the slogan “Different stories. One nation.”
The film is in the process of being written by students within Mr. Gallagher’s television production classes. There are four small groups of writing teams, each being guided by a staff member. Each writing group has come up with a story to represent the five principles that R.I.D.G.E. stands for: Respect, integrity, determination, gratitude, and excellence. Struggling with differentiating the themes of determination and excellence, the students and their supervisors decided to fuse those two into one story.
Each musical composition included in the film will relate to the story and the theme of the specific character that performs it on the screen, although not all characters will sing. It is very likely that the music featured in the film will be music composed by students of Fossil Ridge and performed by the film’s actors.
This contributes to the film’s goal of including everyone in the school. This goal will be met by doing two things: One is by filming in “as many public places a possible,” as TV Production teacher Brendan Gallagher said. This will help capture students doing what they do in the background all over the school. The second way the film will accomplish this is by having a grand finale at the end of the film that will have the whole school together all at once. This part of the project is set to be filmed on May 17 during advisory.
Tryouts for singing in the film will be held from 3-5 p.m. on April 1 in the Ridge TV studio. Tryouts for acting will be April 3 from 3-5 p.m. in the Ridge TV studio as well.