Everyone’s probably seen the out-of-place looking couch that is present at Fossil Ridge football games. And each game,

some lucky few students are sitting on it. So what’s the deal? Why the random couch, and who gets to sit on it?
Well, the comfy front-row seat idea is a result of a reward system for positive student behavior here at Fossil. Students who demonstrate excellent behavior and RIDGE character for that week are rewarded by sitting on the couch at the football games. They can bring two friends and get free pizza, candy, and drinks.
“It’s a lot of fun, definitely rewarding,” Kevin Fargo, a junior at FRHS, said. Fargo has sat on the couch twice already, and got to watch the games up close and personal and also got to walk around the field and talk to the team.
The idea for the couch is a result of the program PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) and they decided that they would reward students for good behavior. Teachers such as Brendan Gallagher, Amanda Jones, and Tara Oswald help sponsor this program and Student Council students are also involved. Other forms of reward from the PBIS program include giving away Homecoming tickets and RIDGE shirts to congratulate those students who truly honor the RIDGE code.