Many people are wondering what the career to pursue is and what they should earn a degree in. According to the bureau of Labor statistics, due to a slowing population growth there will be a decrease in the overall labor force in the United States. Nonagricultural jobs and salary employment careers are projected to expand to over fifteen million by 2020.
The bureau of Labor statistics reported that the largest projection is the health care and social assistance jobs that will expand the most by adding 5.6 million new jobs by 2023. In second place is professional and business services, and then construction jobs which have been expanding steadily ever since the recession.
“In my opinion, in ten years a lot of people will be in service jobs and high tech industries with fewer jobs available for factory type workers. Blue collar jobs as well as skilled trade jobs will also be in high demand because there’s a shortage of those people willing to do those jobs,” FRHS social studies teacher Mark Barry said.
The largest job losses by 2023 are projected to come from the postal service, which will lose 182,000 and the federal non-defense government jobs which are expected to lose 122,000 jobs. Following closely behind are all jobs associated with farming and ranching which are expected to lose over 96,100 in the span of ten years.
It won’t be until 2023 that unemployment rates in America will fall back to “normal” levels according to Money Moring Magazine. This would mean that unemployment is projected to not fall below 6% until the next decade. However, the projected unemployment rate is 5.3% for 2023, which will mean that there are more jobs being created.
Overall, by paying attention to the job projections now, people can best prepare themselves for the most successful future. There’s no right way to determine how to be successful in the future financially and job wise.
“You’re best chance of success is probably going to college and to differentiate yourself when it comes to getting a job,” said Barry. “You need to know what qualifications your peers have and what you have to in order to stand out from the crowd.”