Time to sleep in, relax, and watch movies- Thanksgiving has FINALLY come!
Although this is the time to unwind and have fun with your friends and family, there are still some things you should not do during this break. In every family, there is always that relative who think he/she is perfectly normal, but is really looked at oddly by the rest of the family. So this Thanksgiving here are some things you should and shouldn’t do.
Do have fun and eat a lot. We are Americans and, let’s be honest, our lives revolve around food, and a holiday that revolves around eating is a blessing, so get out the sweat pants and bib and dig in.
Don’t be the person who decided to start dieting the week before, claiming the only foods you can eat are dry bread and yogurt while weighing yourself after every course….you know who you are.
Do spend some time with your friends and family; take the time to appreciate them and have fun
Don’t be the person who is locked up in her room all break doing homework. There is a time and place for homework and Thanksgiving is not the time, nor place.
Do watch football, cook with your family, and go shopping.
Don’t be the one relative who refuses to participate with the rest of the family’s schedule and would rather sit at home playing video games then spend time with your family.
Have a great Thanksgiving!