Has this kid gone crazy? Fifteen-year-old Jaden Smith (son of well-known actor, and Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Will Smith) has recently received tons of talk about his twitter account. It seems the young star has been using the social media platform as an outlet for inspirational and poetic writing, yet his work doesn’t make sense. It’s just plain weird.
Here’s some of the weirdest yet:

OK first off, trees are not blue. But if Smith is trying to be philosophical, maybe he’s saying trees are sad. You know, like blue, down in the dumps. But like what on earth is he saying?
2. Trees Again

Not only is he contradicting his previous statement, but he’s also making a total of zero sense.


This one is just hilariously stupid, like what? Babies with voices? Geniuses? I think the worst part is that he’s being serious. How do I know? Check this next one out…
5.Juvenile Philosophy

He obviously sees himself on a higher level than the rest of us. “The human consciousness must raise before I speak my juvenile philosophy.” More like stop before you get ahead of yourself, Jaden. He follows up with…

I’m glad to know that HE knows we don’t get what he says at all, but isn’t this slightly morbid? I think the majority of us would prefer knowing what in earth he means this century. Yet, we may never know…