We are as snowflakes. A snowflake in a blizzard would call itself unique, but in a sea of individuality, everyone is the same. ~Rachel Baldwin
When you reach the top of the mountain, instead of looking down at what you have accomplished, look up to see what peak you will climb next. ~Logan Kochevar
Mistakes make for the best outcomes. ~Sami Steffeck
If we all had the appearance of our personality, would we surround ourselves with the same people? ~Alex Silva
You can be the sun and still be jealous of the moon. ~Logan Wood
In order to let the light in, you must first open the blinds. ~ Kirstin Crites
Nobody learns to swim by jumping in the deep end. ~Clay Kosonccky
*Aphorisms courtesy of Mr. Sanford’s 5 and 6 period modern lit classes.