Senior Meeting: What to know about graduation

Johnny Howlett

On Monday, April 15th, the Senior Parent meeting and cap and gown distribution were held at Fossil Ridge High School. The event started at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting consisted of a presentation from Assistant Principal and Activities Director Brad Nye, followed by distribution of cap and gowns by Jostens. If you missed the meeting or just forgot many of the things that happened at it, this is the information that you need.


Seniors are required to come to the mandatory graduation practice ceremony on Friday, May 24th, from 2:15-3:45 p.m. at CSU Moby Arena. The actual graduation ceremony is the same day and location, and starts at 6:30 p.m. all graduates are required to be at Moby Arena by 5:45 pm. Students are also required to dress professionally for the event and will be denied the opportunity to participate in the ceremony if not dressed appropriately. Graduates are additionally not allowed to decorate caps or gowns, and are not allowed to wear any awards or honors not provided by the school. Seniors who have outstanding community service hours or have not returned items checked out to them will also be denied the ability to participate in graduation.


As a reminder the doors of Moby arena will open up at 5:30, one hour before the start of the ceremony. Tickets are not needed at the event and all seating will be first come first serve, so there will be no reserved seats available. Handicapped seating will be available in the first two rows of the north and south sides of the stadium, but wheelchairs will not be provided at the event. Section N is reserved for people with hearing impairments and Section M is reserved for people in need of language translations. CSU is also requiring all guests to go through metal detectors to enter the building and will also be enforcing their clear bag policy which can be found here. Strollers will also be prohibited in the venue. No concealed weapon permits will be allowed with the sole exception of off duty officers with identification. The graduation ceremony will also be live streamed on YouTube here.


If you are a student who has not ordered your cap and gown yet, do not contact Jostens since they will not arrive in time for graduation; instead, order them here. If you are a graduate who has ordered your cap and gown and have not picked it up, get yours by going to the College and Career Center and talking to Rachel Nye. For more information about graduation and events going on around graduation, check out the graduate packet here. Congratulations to everyone graduating this year and good luck on your future endeavors.